Thursday, April 2, 2009

Stubborn is as stubborn does

You know how most parents say, " I hope you have kids that are just like you."? Well, that has definitely happened, 5 times over! For anyone who knows Brian and I, you know that we are two of the most stubborn and hard-headed people there are. Our genes have definitely gone on.

At least once a day one of our girls throws a tantrum about something or other. It's either something they want or something they do not want to do. Now, we do not give in and just try to ride out the storm, but it doesn't seem to be lessening any. We used to think, "Oh, it's just a stage." But now we know it's those stubborn genes that have found their way into our little girls.

Kaydee, Aimee & Allison are smart enough to know that that kind of behavior does not fly out in the world.  All of their teachers, school and church, have said how perfectly they behave , it's just when they get home that they really let it out. Faith, unfortunately, has not learned yet that other people are watching out in the world. On Sunday, right when church ended, I was gathering everyone up when Faith wanted a gift bag that Allison had received from her teacher. I asked Alli if Faith could hold it and she said,"No." So I told Faith she couldn't have it and you would've thought I had stabbed her with the shrieks that followed right there in the middle of the church hallway with everyone watching. 

Until I can really instill to my girls that they don't always get what they want or avoid unpleasant things they do not want to do or eat I will just have to continue to remain calm, walk away and ignore, ignore, ignore.


  1. I know what you mean! Our Hallie does the samething. She'll be four soon and I'm "hoping" she'll knock it off. It's so hard sometimes to not react and swat them! It really can make outings as a family hard. Hopefully both our kids will learn to not do it at all, or at least not in public! ;)

  2. Yeah! It definitely takes patience to deal with strong-willed kids. It's so funny cuz I was at Walmart the other day and heard a kid screaming at the top of his lungs and said to Brian," I'm glad my kids never do that. At least they keep their screaming at home." It wasn't an hour later that I took Faith to the video store and I told her she could have a sucker. She wanted a chocolate candy. When I told her no she completely lost it. I quickly learned to never say never. With kids you are constantly surprised and challenged.
