Wednesday, July 1, 2009


I'm worried that we might get kincked out of our house cuz the landlords own 14 different properties and they're having an inspector come in on Monday, July 6, and if it doesn't pass inspection, it cannot qualify for insurance. If it does not qualify for insurance they are not allowed to rent to anyone =( . Plus, we have no money to move and have no idea where we would move if we had to. Plus, our suburban is still down with a bad radiator, so we can't all go anywhere. So, pray for us that everything will work out OK.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sorry, that was me logged in as my daughter.....ugh. Anyway, sorry to hear of this trial you have to deal with right now....Prayers will definitely be sent your way!

  3. i willpray for you im sorry that is happening to you.
